Repeat prescription

  • By far the fastest way to order your repeat prescriptions is via the NHS App/ NHS desktop login and nominating a pharmacy so that we can send an electronic prescription straight there.

  • We encourage all patients to request prescriptions themselves (where possible) to avoid wastage. Please be aware if you ask your chemist to order on your behalf they may sometimes order items you may not require- despite you repeatedly asking them.

  • If there are items on your repeat prescription that you no longer need please inform the practice (rather than the chemist as they may not inform the surgery to remove this item). Once we remove the repeat medication item in question from our computer only then will the chemist stop re-ordering it on your behalf.

  • Please allow two full working days (48hours) for prescriptions to be processed and remember to take weekends and bank holidays into account.

Ways to request a repeat prescription

1) Use the NHS App/ NHS desktop login- this is by far the fastest way as it bypasses the chemist! You can also send medication queries this way.

When you request medication yourself via the NHS App- the request comes straight to our practice computer to authorise, this avoids delay. If you ask the chemist to order your repeat medication (rather than using the NHS app or contacting the surgery) this may result in delay. This is because the chemist has to relay your prescription request to the surgery to be authorised. To avoid any delay order via the NHS app.

2) Email the practice with your full name/ DOB/ address details and the full details of the medication.

3) Use the paper request slip from your previous prescription- drop off at reception or post through the surgery letter box if we are closed.

For reasons of safety no requests will be taken by telephone.

Medication Reviews

Patients on repeat medication will be asked to see a doctor or practice nurse at least once a year to review these regular medications and notification should appear on your repeat slip. Please ensure that you book an appropriate appointment to avoid unnecessary delays to further prescriptions.

As a good reminder, we aim to encourage annual medication reviews around your birthday month where possible.

Based on your medical condition and what medication you are taking you will require certain annual checks (blood test, bp, weight). Find out what annual checks will be needed for you

Synchronise your repeat medications

If you find you are constantly having to order repeat medications at different times when they run out we encourage you:

  • Send a list of your medications to the surgery (not the chemist) and write the number of extra tablets you will need to bring them in line to run out at the same time.

  • Please state that you are requesting additional tablets to bring medication in line so that it will help us process more effectively, and not affect your usual repeat prescription request.

Going abroad?

If you need to order your medication early or are going abroad for a length of time, we can allow up to 3months worth of prescription. We ask that you put this request in writing.

If you are planning on going away on a break within the UK please remember that we can still send your prescription electronically to any local pharmacist near by. You can also change for pharmacy nomination via the NHS app.