Infection outbreaks

Scarlet fever / Group A Strep (iGAs)

Covid19 related queries

Monkeypox related queries

TB related queries

Flu vaccine - at your practice (walk in available)

Polio booster Vaccine (London) queries

Appointments and Queries

Just started to feel ill, who best to contact for some advice?

I'm feeling unwell, what can I try to better myself?

What services can I self refer to?

How do I access practice leaflets for support?

How can I send a photo about my medical query?

How can I make an appointment or cancel one I no longer need?

I am running late for my appointment, what should I do?

How do I get help from a GP when the surgery is closed?

I have multiple problems or need an interpreter, what should I do?

My health status has changed following hospital discharge, how do I get support?

Why is it getting harder to get an appointment these days?

GP Hub appointments (5-8pm Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm Saturday)


How can I reorder my repeat prescription and how long will it take?

How do I synchronise my repeat medications- so they all run out at the same time?

I have been asked to complete a medication review online, how do I do this?

What annual checks do I need for my medical condition?

Prescription exemption certificate- who qualifies for this?

The pharmacy says my medication is out of stock- what do I do?

Blood pressure/ weight

I have been asked to provide a BP or weight reading, how do I get this done?

Specimen samples

I have been asked to provide a sample (attached to a pathology form), how do I go about this?

Think I might have a urine infection, do I need to provide a sample?

Tests and results

The Doctor has sent me for some tests, where can I get them done?

Can I get my blood test done at the surgery?

How do I get my blood test results- how do I check for their arrival?

The hospital doctor arranged for some tests, how can I get the results?

Referral (Hospital/ community clinic)

I have been referred to the hospital, why have I not yet heard anything?

I have a letter from another institution (eg optician) to give to my practice about an onward referral, how best to send it to the practice?

I want to see a private specialist, how do I know who is good?


I am travelling abroad how can I access some travel advice before I leave?

Am I eligible for hospital transport to get to my hospital appointment?


What vaccine schedules are available to me at the practice?

Which travel vaccines can I be offered free at the surgery and which do I need to pay for elsewhere?

Sicknotes and private letters

I have been off work, do I need a sicknote?

I need a private letter for work or for an educational institute or for travel, how do I go about this?

Private medicals

I need a private medical, what can the surgery offer?


How can I register as a new patient?

How do I inform the practice of my updated contact details (address, email, landline or mobile number)?

New baby registration?

NHS App/ Online records access

Failed NHS app registration? (Says I need to contact the practice for a linkage key)

How can I set up proxy access to allow someone else to access my NHS app?

What are the expectations from me and the practice about my online record access?

What do the common medical abbreviations in my notes mean?

Patient led groups

How can I actively participate to help support and improve my practice?

How can I volunteer my time to support the practice?

Training Practice

Why are there so many new Doctors at the surgery?

Research Active

What type of research is the practice involve with?

Mutual respect

What does our zero tolerance behavior policy mean for me?

Local contact support details

How can I access local support networks within Barnet?